Frequently asked questions

What is the working principle of Superfine’s Vortex mill?
The Vortex mill does not use any mechanical force. It directs the particles to move rapidly between zones of high pressure and low pressure. The voids and cracks in the particle are expanding and shrinking thousands of times in a second, causing the particles to break from within.
Can sticky material be handled?
In Standard micronizers, sticky materials cannot be handled since during particle-particle collisions they adhere to each other instead of breaking. In Supefine’s Vortex micronizer, particles are not accelerated and do not collide with each other. Therefore, size reduction of soft or sticky products can be performed. In case particles tend to settle on chamber walls, PTFE contact parts can be used.
​Can Superfine handle potent products?
Yes, with much success. Most potent products can be micronized with good capacity in the Superfine 90 mm unit. This size has comparable capacity to a standard 200 mm jet mill. However, un-like 200 mm standard jet-mill, the superfine micronizer is rather compact and can be fitted into a single- compartment glovebox.
Are there clogs and back-flows like in standard jet-mill?
No! The Vortex mill does not use a Venturi system. The inlet diameter is 10-30 mm (depending on scale) so it is resistant to clogging and no back-flow occurs.
How is the dust separation occurred?
A dust separator is installed after the Vortex mill. Material is discharged continuously into a bin. Since the Superfine Vortex mill uses less air than jet-mills, the dust separator is compact and efficient.
When should you prefer Superfine over standard jet-mills?
You should look into Superfine’s technology when your standard jet-mill does not provide the performance you need. Typical cases are:
When more than one pass is required to reach the required Particle Size Distribution. Supefine’s Vortex micronizer will always get the right PSD in one pass.
When pre-milling is required or when there are clogs in Venturi nozzle due to aggregates. Superfine’smicronizer does not use a Venturi injector. The inlet can handle even 3 mm particles. So, no pre-milling is required.
When product is sticky, soft or amorphous. Superfine can usually handle such product at room temperature with no need to use cryogenic conditions.
How do you set the parameters of the machine to reach the correct Particle Size Distribution?
The main parameter is the micronizer internal geometry. There are sets of inserts that control residence time and classification of particles. The fine tuning of PSD is the air pressure and feed rate. These parameters are set during process development and usually stay fixed.
How do we control the static generated during the milling process?
All Micronizer parts are grounded. In case product is quickly charged with static electricity, we may want to avoid PTFE contact parts. In case material has low ignition energy, nitrogen should be used as micronization gas. Generally, as Superfine uses lower pressures and particle acceleration compared to Jet mills, the accumulation of static charges is expected to be less significant.
How is the feed-rate controlled?
The material is fed to the Vortex mill by a screw feeder. It can also be fed pneumatically directly from a bin or an upstream mill.